Lab Meetings
Lab meetings take place every two weeks. They typically feature the research of one individual in the lab, and they are highly rigorous and interactive.
Literature Review Meetings
Literature review meetings alternate with lab meetings. In 10 minutes, each lab member discusses a research article directly relevant to the project they are spearheading. These meetings facilitate the incorporation of new ideas and designs into experimental approaches and provide a framework for lab members to share their knowledge and expertise.
Meetings with PI
The PI allocates time for weekly meetings with lab members.
Multimodality Conference
Once a month, there is a conference for medical oncologists, urologists, radiation oncologists, geneticists, and any interested scientists to discuss patient cases.
Pathology Support
The lab works extensively on human tumor samples. This work is greatly aided by Dr. Payal Kapur, a pathologist with urological expertise who is a close collaborator.
Statistical Support
Due to an ever increasing importance of quantitative approaches to the evaluation of biological processes, the lab enlisted biostatisticians Dr. Jin Xie and Alana Christie to assist with biostatistical analyses. Alana participates regularly in our lab meetings.
UT Southwestern Conferences
Each week, UT Southwestern offers a large number of high-quality conferences that cover a broad range of topics. Click here to see the schedule.