Message from Dr. Brugarolas

Patients are the inspiration for the research we carry out in the laboratory. Every day, as I turn the corner to enter my office, I encounter Utopia, a painting by Tracey Enright. Utopia was a gift in memory of Tracey’s father, David, who was one of my patients. Utopia is a daily reminder of the challenge we face and the urgent need to find a cure.
Some of you reading this letter may be patients of mine. Since 2006, when I arrived at UT Southwestern to start a Kidney Cancer Program, it has been my privilege to be your doctor, to be a part of your lives, and to join you and your families in the fight against kidney cancer.
Our goal is to transform the way in which patients with kidney cancer are treated. We seek to leverage understanding of the molecular genetics and biology of kidney cancer to discover novel, more effective, treatments. We have established a “bench-to-bedside” pipeline that allows us to translate discoveries from the lab into new treatments faster than ever before.
If you are a patient seeking a consultation or a second opinion, kindly use the link in the UTSW faculty profile here.